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- David M. Turner, Kirsti Bohata and Steven Thompson (eds), 'Disability, Work and Representation: New Perspectives', Special Issue of Disability Studies Quarterly, 37:4 DOI:
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- Angela Turner and Arthur McIvor, 'Bottom Dog Men': Disability, Social Welfare and Advocacy in the Scottish Coalfields in the Interwar Years, 1918–1939' [open access], Scottish Historical Review, 96:2 (2017), pp.187-213
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- Ben Curtis, ‘The South Wales Miners’ Federation and the Perception and Representation of Risk and Danger in the Coal Industry, 1898–1947’, Morgannwg: Journal of Glamorgan History, 58 (2014), pp.71–88
- Angela Turner, ‘Damaged Bodies: Gender in the Scottish Coalfields in the Mid-Nineteenth Century’, in Judith Rainhorn (ed.), Santé et Travail à la Mine XIXe-XXIe Siècle (Rennes: Presses Universitaries du Septentrion, 2014)
- Arthur McIvor, ‘Quand les corps parlent: faire de l’histoire orale pour étudier la santé et l’invalidité au travail dans les houillères britanniques au vingtième siècle’ (Body talk: Oral history methodology in the study of occupational health and disability in twentieth century British coalmining), in Judith Rainhorn (ed.), Santé et Travail à la Mine XIXe-XXIe Siècle (Rennes: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014), pp. 238-61.